Thursday, April 2, 2009

Diet & Exercise Log - April 2nd, 2009

1 slice wheat toast

Chipotle salad with barbacoa
Diet Coke

4 slices thin crust homemade pizza
Side salad with ranch dressing
1 slice apple pie

2 oz. sugar-free chocolate-covered peanuts
1 oz. cashews

20 minutes weightlifting (back, biceps)
20 minutes stationary bike/singing

Today was Eddie's birthday, so I splurged a little on dinner. Okay, a lot on dinner. I also had a slice of bread for breakfast, which I'm not supposed to have until phase 2. My stomach was a little upset, and I knew pudding wasn't going to help that, so I made an executive decision. I didn't suffer any substantial damage on the scale, so I'm going to just focus on straightening out again, and probably staying on phase 1 for a few more days.

You might also notice that part of my exercises for the day were "stationary bike/singing." As you probably know if you read this blog regularly, I've got a thing for Xbox achievements. One achievement I haven't earned yet is for the completion of the solo singing tour on the original Rock Band. To combine two things I want to do, I rode the stationary bike and sang at the same time, a more difficult feat than I had hoped, but I was able to do it. I also think it might help me build up stamina by demanding more out of my lungs, so I'm going to add it to the list of exercises I do. I'm debating whether to try playing guitar (Rock Band or real life) while biking as well.

Finally, this will be the last daily log of my diet. I'm going to post my weigh-ins from Monday morning and Friday morning, and I'll continue to chime in with any interesting thoughts from in between, but I figure you're not crazy about reading a food list every day. As interesting as it is to see how many peanuts I eat on a given day, I'm thinking you can live without it. I'll try to get back to posting about my interests, like Rock Band, other video games, TV shows, music, and what-not.

Day 12 weight: 325.8

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