Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 3b Fitness Wrap-Up

The funny thing about goals is, what the hell do you do if you don't reach them? I did complete one of my three goals for the weekend - I exercised at least 30 minutes each day.
  • Friday - Back and biceps weightlifting for a half hour, walked the family dog for about 15 minutes, and played catch with my uncle for an hour.
  • Saturday - Chest and triceps weightlifting for a half hour.
  • Sunday - Played softball with some family for an hour and a half, and played catch with my uncle and cousin for an hour.
I had hoped to get some Rock Band drumming in, but the combination of Eddie relaxing in the basement and having some household business to do this holiday weekend put a damper on my instrumentation. I may have to move a drum set into my bedroom and see if I can make it work. Prediction: I don't.

Eating was good on Friday and mostly good on Saturday, but Easter was a step backwards. I had a healthy portion of potato chips and onion dip, as well as a slice of Easter pie. It was good, but I felt a little off afterwards, which I guess is a good thing. It makes me think that my body really doesn't want much in the way of sugars and simple carbohydrates. I'm confident that this week I can do enough good to get back on track, and this coming weekend shouldn't have any circumstances that tempt me into going off the diet. Shouldn't.

Still working on the new catch phrase.

Week 3b weight: 321.2

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